Brilliant,brilliant blog,Lauren. I’m finding those kinder spaces on social media and I can’t say that I ever measure my life by other peoples standards (I ignore or break algorithms). Thank you for lit nerdery, I’m going to look those books up. Have an amazing day.
Thank you for reading, and for the kind words, Andrea! I'm so glad you're finding kinder spaces -- and I know from seeing your content and comments on LinkedIn that you're contributing kindness and fostering understanding of many things people in your network might not otherwise know about or think about without your voice. I LOVE that you ignore (or break) algorithms. The more of us that do that, the more the algorithms will change based on our activity OR the less relevant the algorithms become because the communities we're building are stronger than the algos ... or both! I especially appreciate your thanks for my lit nerdery! I've been reluctant to indulge it too much in my writing, but that's just me not taking my own advice to be true to myself.
I firmly believe that it's often a reciprocal relationship where we step into a role or new way of being/behaving, and then are changed in turn. (Borges stories are amazing and really stick in your head!)
I love the way you've stated that, Greg, that change and new ways of being are reciprocal. -- Borges stories are super sticky! I find myself referring to Tlon and also to Funes the Memorious a lot. Do you have a favorite Borges story?
Brilliant,brilliant blog,Lauren. I’m finding those kinder spaces on social media and I can’t say that I ever measure my life by other peoples standards (I ignore or break algorithms). Thank you for lit nerdery, I’m going to look those books up. Have an amazing day.
Thank you for reading, and for the kind words, Andrea! I'm so glad you're finding kinder spaces -- and I know from seeing your content and comments on LinkedIn that you're contributing kindness and fostering understanding of many things people in your network might not otherwise know about or think about without your voice. I LOVE that you ignore (or break) algorithms. The more of us that do that, the more the algorithms will change based on our activity OR the less relevant the algorithms become because the communities we're building are stronger than the algos ... or both! I especially appreciate your thanks for my lit nerdery! I've been reluctant to indulge it too much in my writing, but that's just me not taking my own advice to be true to myself.
I firmly believe that it's often a reciprocal relationship where we step into a role or new way of being/behaving, and then are changed in turn. (Borges stories are amazing and really stick in your head!)
I love the way you've stated that, Greg, that change and new ways of being are reciprocal. -- Borges stories are super sticky! I find myself referring to Tlon and also to Funes the Memorious a lot. Do you have a favorite Borges story?